The Perfect Aphrodite: India vs the World!

Although the finest lass as far as I am concerned is already mine, this comparison offers a glimpse into how women public figures across the globe today stack up against one another purely in terms of beauty, irrespective of how established they are in their respective professions from media to music to modelling to acting, from India's dreamboats to the rest of the world's lookers. 

The following list is compiled solely based on my unassuming personal opinion, shortlisting faces that have a unique 'oomph'-factor to them, as I have always held that beauty is far more idiosyncratic than science can evaluate... So, in case you're a fashionista with a contrasting outlook, then this may be taken with a pinch of salt, as I'm no more an ace in your field than you are in mine! And granted some of the ladies mentioned here probably wouldn't have made the cut without having gone under the knife, but hey... To each their own!


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