The Top 5 Cities of India

Out of the four thousand or so odd cities in India, which are the ones that are ruling the roost today? This comparison focusses more on the cities that are fiscal powerhouses forming the backbone of our country, acting as major nodes for business and logistics, offering posh residences and a lot else, rather than just tourist hotspots. Basically, we are counting down the New Yorks and Washington DCs of India rather than the Vegases. 

So, if you wanted to relocate to a city here for work or sustained dwelling, with almost all imaginable amenities at your disposal as well as stay connected with everything else, then the below list is definitely for you. Granted there are tens of hundreds of other indispensable cities in India just nipping at the heels of these biggies, but the mentioned top five are pretty much in a league of their own.

Now, although Delhi and Mumbai are relatively more well-known to outsiders, the no. 1 on this list viz. Bangalore is not unexpected. It is known by many epithets ranging from Garden City to Pub City to the start-up capital of India, with its corporate ethos attracting top young minds from across the country. It is also ranked the highest in living index in many surveys, with an amiable weather all year long and a colorful nightlife minus the rowdiness of its northern or eastern counterparts. It has the highest GDP growth rate of any city in India and touted to come shoulder to shoulder with the likes of Tokyo, Beijing and Hong Kong in the near future.

And before anyone starts throwing flak, let me just clarify that I've either worked or lived in each and every one of the cities mentioned here, and these rankings are based not only on personal experience but also on easily referrable statistical data. So which one is really the one for you...? Take a pick!


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